Yesterday was the programming competition. We completely owned! At the site that we went to, George Washington University was there, George Mason was there, Marymount University was there, Hood College (whoever they are), we owned all of 'em! Bison1 got 2 balloons, Bison2 had 3 balloons, and Bison4 got 2 balloons. We walked in there 12 deep and rolled out with 7 balloons, more than any other school. Not simply because we brought the most teams either, but because of our 3 teams that got at least 2 balloons, were 3 out of 5 or 6 teams that were there that got 2 balloons. The standings were nice, even though they're not up yet. Bison2 was second place out of the whole site, and I believe Bison1 was third place. Bison 4 was at least fifth place. Considering the schools that were there, that was real nice.
The problems yesterday were rough. There was no really easy problem this year. Even though VA Tech got problem A out in 20 minutes, it took us a while til we got it right(will not disclose that information). There weren't many balloons all around, but yet Howard U brought home more balloons than we ever had before. This was the first year a team brought home 3 balloons, and that more than one team at a team brought home at least 2.
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