Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Damn, it's been a long time since an update. As yall know, I'm still not sure if I wanna do this ish. If only there was an easier way of getting it done. In order to get the page to look the way I want it, I have to do all this html crap. Very little, but the lil html I know I do know is deprecated and its hella tedious. Anyway, I'll be trying the email method, even though it prolly won't turn out the way I want it to. I'll be writing stuff in notepad too when I get chances so that I'll remeber for later.

I read a lot more tech news now (YAY!) and I happen to be very pissed off at the government right now, so it should be a bit more interesting. Until later...

Wish me luck, it could be a while til you see me again.


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