Saturday, October 14, 2006

SLAM for Windows Mobile

Very interesting! More of a review to come once I can get to my laptop to install this on my phone...

" When you send a message in Slam, it is automatically sent to everyone in the group to which you sent it. For smartphone users that have the Slam client installed, their phone will buzz and they will have an indication on their phone's home screen that there is a new message. "

" Scenarios for Slam

  • Real-time Coordination: Out on a Friday night? No need to decide on a place and time to meet in advance, just send a message to your friends when you're ready to go and see where everybody is. Some people may be at a restaurant, others on the move, but everybody can send messages and coordinate immediately. Imagine coordinating a ski trip this way, too.
  • Instant Group Photo Sharing: You are always seeing beautiful and interesting things, but it's too hard to send pictures to people with your cameraphone. Use Slam to take a picture and send it to a group of friends with only a few clicks. Try forming a "celebrity sightings" cameraphone group or share pictures with your family throughout your day.
  • Broadcast communication: Need a babysitter? Send a message to your "babysitters" group saying "Can someone come over for a few hours right now?" All your potential sitters get the message right when you send it, wherever they are.

To learn more about Slam, or to download it, click here."


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